How can I help my kids through exam results day?

As results days loom, we asked an expert and a family who've been through it for their top tips.
2024-08-15 11:06:34

Even those who knew him best had no clue crocodile expert Adam Britton was torturing dozens of dogs to death.
2024-08-10 05:06:22

British croc expert jailed for sexual abuse of dogs

Adam Britton pleaded to 60 charges, which also included four counts of accessing child abuse material.
2024-08-08 08:08:48

'Unjustified': Videos reveal brutality during Bangladesh protests

A UN expert describes the violence seen in videos analysed by the BBC as "unlawful".
2024-07-30 03:06:24

F-16 fighter jets could protect Ukrainian skies, says military expert

Post Content
2024-07-29 21:08:37

Sir John Curtice: The dramatic Tory decline behind Labour's landslide

The BBC's polling expert says Labour is heading towards a landslide on the back of a dramatic Tory collapse.
2024-07-05 12:08:09

Sir John Curtice: The dramatic Tory decline behind Labour's landslide

The BBC's polling expert says Labour is heading towards a landslide on the back of a dramatic Tory collapse.
2024-07-05 09:07:50

Expert says young voters key in second round of French election

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2024-07-01 12:08:24

Expert says young voters key in second round of French election

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2024-07-01 11:08:45

What we learned from IT expert at Post Office inquiry

Key moments from former Fujitsu engineer Gareth Jenkins' long-awaited appearance at the Post Office inquiry.
2024-06-29 12:07:35

IT expert 'pressurised' by Post Office over evidence

Gareth Jenkins says he felt pressure from the Post Office over evidence he gave in the trial of Seema Misra.
2024-06-27 19:09:13

Sudan expert warns of country's worsening humanitarian situation

Post Content
2024-06-26 15:09:16

'A very, very special player' - Yamal, 16, makes Euros history

Spanish football expert Guillem Balague looks at Lamine Yamal's rise to becoming the youngest player in European Championship history.
2024-06-16 00:06:46

UN expert says attacks on civilian targets must be proportionate

Post Content
2024-06-07 17:09:03

World ignoring risk of Sudan genocide - UN expert

Sudan is facing a genocide as the world's attention is focused on Ukraine and Gaza, a UN expert warns.
2024-05-24 15:08:13

World ignoring risk of Sudan genocide - UN expert

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2024-05-24 14:09:09

UN expert: Myanmar military imported $1 billion in weapons since 2021 coup

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2023-05-17 23:17:55

Expert?s predictions at Hiram: Armistice, EU membership for Ukraine

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2023-10-29 12:07:29

Environmental expert council: Germany has used up CO2 budget

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2024-03-25 19:09:25

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2024-03-25 22:07:53

IAEA's expert team conducts rotation at occupied Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Plant

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2023-11-04 08:12:19

Expert anticipates potential winter crossing of Dnipro in Kherson Oblast

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2023-12-03 11:08:22

Martin Lewis: 'I have dark days mental health wise'

The "Money Saving Expert" says pressure of being a trusted voice on finance is "horrendous".
2023-12-13 12:11:18

Postmasters tried 'to get away with' blaming IT - expert

Post Office inquiry sees an internal email from 2010 sent by an expert on the ill-fated Horizon system
2024-04-30 19:08:39

Rust weapons supervisor was likely hungover on set, prosecutors claim

A cinematographer was fatally shot on the set, and the expert is facing an involuntary manslaughter charge.
2023-06-14 17:09:38

Dom Phillips: Fresh charges over murder of British journalist

The British journalist was killed along with an Brazilian indigenous expert in the Amazon last year.
2023-06-05 15:10:45

Bananas to cost more as climate warms, says expert

A warming climate and fast-spreading diseases threaten supplies and push up prices, a top banana industry expert warns.
2024-03-12 04:07:01

Mexican military obstructed probe into disappeared students, says UN

The United Nation's human rights commissioner on Thursday accused Mexico's military of obstructing an expert investigation into the disappearance of 43 students in a bloody incident that shook that country nearly nine years ago.
2023-07-29 11:13:53

Alleged 'mastermind' named in deaths of British journalist Dom Phillips and indigenous expert Bruno Pereira

Two more suspects have been named in the alleged murders of British journalist, Dom Phillips, and indigenous expert, Bruno Pereira, including the alleged mastermind of the crime, according to a statement Brazil's Federal Police provided to CNN.
2023-06-06 00:05:54

Brit elemző: még mindig nem indult meg igazán az ukrán ellentámadás

Ukrajna még mindig csak szondázó támadásokat folytat a frontvonalon, annak érdekében, hogy felmérjék az orosz védvonalak gyengeségét ? mondta Sean Bells brit katonai stratégiai elemző a Sky Newsnak.
2023-06-15 08:09:33

Ezt nem teszi zsebre Moszkva: már a kínaiak szerint is elveszítik a háborút

Feng Yujun, kínai Oroszország-szakértő szerint Moszkva elkerülhetetlen vereséget szenvedett Ukrajnában, ami mélyreható globális következményekkel járhat - jelentette a The Economist.
2024-04-15 19:07:39

Miért válassz okos IPL szőrtelenítőt a hagyományos technikákkal szemben?

Elérkezett a nyár: megint eljött az idő, amikor szembesülünk a szőrtelenítés problémájával, és még égetőbbé válik a helyzet megoldása. A tartós szőrtelenítés a villanófényes szőrtelenítő technológiák fejlődésével azonban szerencsére egyre könnyebben elérhető, és már nem csak a kozmetikai szalonokban, hanem otthon is. A Braun Skin i-Expert IPL szőrtelenítője otthonod kényelmében, biztonságosan és személyre szabott technikával teszi hatékonnyá a kezelési folyamatot.
2024-06-19 11:10:42

Új legcsípősebb paprikája van a világnak: simán kenterbe veri a Carolina Reapert, durva görcsöket okoz

Ed Currie, a dél-karolinai csípős paprika szakértő, aki keresztezte és termeszteni kezdte a Carolina Reaper nevű, a világ legcsípősebbjének tartott paprikáját, most megdöntötte saját világrekordját egy kétszer csípősebb paprikával.
2023-10-17 10:08:07

Intl community must reassess fundamental approach to Myanmar - UN expert

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2023-06-21 08:09:13

Risk of ?big disruptions? high in grain markets, says Black Sea expert

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2023-08-06 09:47:42

How Ukraine misleads Russian troops with decoy weapons ? expert interview

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2023-10-28 02:06:37

Russia deployed all available reserves, military expert says

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2023-11-09 23:09:50


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