Footage shows seven days of violence and disorder

A wave of unrest has spread in the UK in the days after the Southport stabbing attack.
2024-08-06 12:06:42

Watch: Six days of violent protests across the UK

A wave of unrest has spread across the UK in the days after the Southport stabbing attack.
2024-08-05 17:06:49

Ukraine in mourning after day of deadly attacks

A children's hospital in Kyiv was hit when Russia launched a wave of missile strikes on Monday.
2024-07-09 06:07:08

Ukraine calls them meat assaults: Russia's brutal plan to take ground

Russia is throwing wave after wave of men forward in Ukraine to make ground. The tactic is working.
2024-07-04 07:08:06

Ukraine calls them meat assaults: Russia's brutal plan to take ground

Russia is throwing wave after wave of men forward in Ukraine to make ground. The tactic is working.
2024-07-04 03:06:24

Are we in a summer Covid wave?

Lots of people seem to have Covid at the moment but what is behind it and is it serious?
2024-06-30 04:06:26

Minden a jó címen múlik, véli a New York-i lázadó

Csütörtökön már Budapesten lesz.
2024-06-18 11:12:33

Minden a jó címen múlik, véli a New York-i lázadó

Csütörtökön már Budapesten lesz.
2024-06-18 11:08:38

Itt a tánc karaoke-ja

Ha hasonlítani kell valamihez, a tánc karaoke-jának nevezhetjük finn kutatók érdekes megoldását: a virtuális térben lehet táncosokat követni úgy, hogy nincs szükség előzetes tánctudásra. De akár tánckoreográfiát is lehet így egyszerűen oktatni.
2024-06-17 14:13:27

Itt a tánc karaoke-ja

Ha hasonlítani kell valamihez, a tánc karaoke-jának nevezhetjük finn kutatók érdekes megoldását: a virtuális térben lehet táncosokat követni úgy, hogy nincs szükség előzetes tánctudásra. De akár tánckoreográfiát is lehet így egyszerűen oktatni.
2024-06-17 14:12:58

Value of US tech giant surges past $3tn, overtaking Apple

Nvidia has been marked out as a winner from a wave of investments in artificial intelligence.
2024-06-06 00:06:23

Weather forecasters warn Pakistanis to stay indoors ahead of new heat wave

Post Content
2024-05-21 11:14:25

Big Wave Surfers Help Rescue Brazil Flood Victims

Post Content
2024-05-16 05:06:22

Russia is hit by a wave of Ukrainian drone attacks and a border incursion

Post Content
2024-03-12 15:10:25

Germany hit by new wave of airport, train strikes

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2024-03-12 17:11:25

Germany hit by new wave of airport, train strikes

Post Content
2024-03-12 21:09:08

India?s June Heat Wave Deaths Are a Harbinger of Worse to Come

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2023-06-27 06:15:42

Russia launches mass wave of missile attacks, 2 killed, 26 injured

Post Content
2023-09-21 10:21:26

Sweden?s Crime Wave Sparks Nationalist Call for Army on Streets

Post Content
2023-10-14 11:50:56

Germany grapples with wave of spying threats from Russia and China

Post Content
2024-04-28 02:06:57

Barrage of Russian attacks aims to cut Ukraine's lights

Russia has launched a wave of additional strikes across the country targeting the energy supply.
2024-03-31 20:08:05

Letartóztatták Rod Wave-et lőfegyver birtoklásáért

A rappernek nem először gyűlik meg a baja a törvénnyel.
2024-04-04 18:11:10

Taiwan sees MeToo wave of allegations after Netflix show

The island has seen a wave of sexual harassment allegations against high-profile men.
2023-06-15 07:15:16

Russia renews drone and missile attacks on Ukraine

A wave of air attacks is reported on Kyiv and other cities - but no-one is injured, officials say.
2023-06-20 12:13:25

Scorching heat fuels calls for worker protections

A punishing heat wave in parts of the US has claimed the lives of at least a dozen people.
2023-07-01 08:11:44

Ukraine war: Russian launches ninth missile attack on Kyiv this month

Explosions are reported in Ukraine's capital, as Russia launches another wave of air strikes.
2023-05-18 06:07:57

Laura Enever sets women's record for biggest paddle-in wave ever surfed

Australian Laura Enever says she "knew it was the wave of my life" when she paddled into it in Hawaii.
2023-11-09 08:07:18

Háborús állapotok uralkodnak a Seychelle-szigeteken a robbanást követően

Még a repülőtér is megsérült, pedig 4 kilométerre van a baleset helyszínétől.
2023-12-07 19:12:01

Háborús állapotok uralkodnak a Seychelle-szigeteken a robbanást követően

Még a repülőtér is megsérült, pedig 4 kilométerre van a baleset helyszínétől.
2023-12-07 19:08:03

Ecuador chooses president during wave of violence

Ecuadoreans are casting their votes in the presidential run-off overshadowed by a violent crime wave.
2023-10-15 16:08:59

Mégsem egyéjszakás kaland lett

Pedig tizenöt éve abba kellett volna hagyni.
2024-03-08 21:09:23

Mégsem egyéjszakás kaland lett

Pedig tizenöt éve abba kellett volna hagyni.
2024-03-08 21:07:09

Israel says defences are 'ready' as Iran attacks

It comes as Iran launches a wave of drones at Israel, after threatening Israel with a reprisal attack.
2024-04-13 23:06:40

Israeli Arabs demand action over spike in murders linked to organised crime

Groups calls for an emergency parliamentary debate on the crime wave, after four men are shot dead.
2023-08-23 19:40:59

UK music fans revel in Last Night of the Proms

The audience stomp, clap and wave flags of every denomination as the eight-week Proms season ends.
2023-09-10 02:40:20

'Where do we go?' - Nowhere safe in Gaza as Israeli strikes intensify

Rimal, Gaza City's wealthiest area, was a safe haven before a wave of Israeli strikes overnight.
2023-10-10 21:41:58

Rammstein fan Shelby Lynn alleges she was groomed for sex

Shelby Lynn's allegations triggered a wave of sexual misconduct allegations that the band denies.
2023-06-08 23:14:46

Meztelenül mutatta meg a formás melleit a szuperszexi focistanő - képek

A 30 éves védő nemcsak kiváló játékával, hanem a vaító külsejével is lenyűgözi a rajongóit.
2023-11-14 12:09:11

Analysis: As Mexico cracks down on migrants, AMLO gains leverage with Washington

Last month, as the Biden administration scrambled to manage the latest wave of migrants overwhelming the US southern border, top US immigration authorities crossed into Mexico for an emergency meeting.
2023-10-05 10:56:30

Aging dams and missed warnings: A lethal mix of factors caused Africa's deadliest flood disaster

It started with a bang at 3 a.m. Monday as the residents of Derna were sleeping. One dam burst, then a second, sending a huge wave of water gushing down through the mountains towards the coastal Libyan city, killing thousands as entire neighborhoods were swept into the sea.
2023-09-15 04:25:38

Majdnem 40 fokot mértek Szibériában

A hőhullám számos melegrekordot megdöntött Szibériában, a hőmérséklet a 37,7 Celsius-fokot is meghaladta - írja a CNN.
2023-06-09 11:09:33

The world's highest navigable lake is drying out

Water levels at Lake Titicaca -- the highest navigable lake in the world and South America's largest -- are dropping precipitously after an unprecedented winter heat wave. The shocking decline is affecting tourism, fishing and agriculture, which locals rely on to make a living.
2023-09-04 06:29:43

Gaza hospital explosion sparks anger and protests in Arab countries

A wave of anti-Israel protests erupted across the Middle East as anger escalated after the deadly Gaza City hospital blast which Palestinian officials in Gaza blamed on Israel.
2023-10-18 11:06:36

Pokoli hőség: nagyon fájdalmas döntést hozott Görögország

A görög hatóságok hőhullám miatt öt órára bezárták az Akropoliszt, és számos általános iskolát és óvodát is - számolt be az ABC News.
2024-06-12 17:07:55

A kánikula a mobilokat sem kíméli: mit tehetünk telefonunk túlmelegedése ellen?

A kánikula az ember szervezetén túl a mobiltelefonokat sem kíméli. Ha telefonunk huzamosabb ideig van kitéve magas hőmérsékletnek, vagy tűző napsütésnek, bizony könnyedén túlmelegedhet, amely akár hosszú távú károkat is okozhat az eszközben. A Bloomberg cikke alapján összeszedtük, honnan ismerhetjük fel, ha telefonunk túlmelegedett, valamint, hogy mit lehet tenni ellene.
2024-06-19 11:08:52

Google removes 'Slavery Simulator' game from store following a wave of criticism in Brazil

A game entitled "Slavery Simulator," where players can "buy and sell" enslaved Black characters, was taken down from Google's app store after widespread criticism from Brazilian social media users.
2023-05-25 21:07:34

Ukraine war: Wave of drone strikes hits several Russian regions

Moscow says military planes were damaged in strikes on an airport and vows Ukraine will "not go unpunished".
2023-08-30 17:06:26

How the fentanyl crisis' fourth wave has hit every corner of the US

The epidemic's staggering scale and infiltration of communities is laid bare in a new study.
2023-09-17 15:39:49

Gaza conditions worsen by the hour as fresh wave of protests expected across Middle East

Fresh protests against Israel's siege of Gaza are expected across much of the Middle East on Friday as aid agencies warned hospitals in the enclave are running out of fuel amid fears life-saving aid will be still stuck in Egypt for another day.
2023-10-20 11:07:14

BTS tell K-pop fans: Don't wave us off at military bases

Band members RM, Jimin, V and Jung Kook urge fans to avoid send-offs when they report for duty.
2023-12-06 14:11:42

Surfers primed to ride wave as it sweeps along Severn Estuary

The natural phenomenon causes a series of waves that is hotly anticipated by thrill-seekers.
2024-03-12 09:09:49

Watch: Surfers ride wave as it sweeps along Severn Estuary

A five-star series of waves push up the River Severn in daylight for the first time since 2019.
2024-03-12 12:08:49


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